Toward the Best Model in Recruiting Security Staff at Outsourcing Industries

Toward the Best Model in Recruiting Security Staff at Outsourcing
Mochamad Soelton and Lia Martika Mahdalena Universitas Mercu Buana


This study is to determine the effect of Recruitment, Competence, and Training on Performance to outsourcing security staffs PT Mitra Pratama Milenia. The object of this study is the Security who are assigned in industries. The sample in this study amounted to 88 respondents using quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the analysis data used is statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression tests. The results of this study indicate that partially and simultaneously, variable Recruitment, Competence, and Training affect Employee Performance. This is evidenced from the results of a simultaneous test (F test) and the results of the partial test (t test) also showed a significant value of three independent variables that support the hypothesis. Therefore the test results of this study stated that there are significant simultaneously between variable Recruitment, Competence, and Training on the outsourcing Employees Performance (Security) who are assigned in industries.
Keywords: Recruitment, Competence, Training, Employee Performance


Many companies use outsourcing company services. The system is a form of time, effort, and financial efficiency in recruiting, selecting and training employees. So, the companies do not need anymore to give any facilities like food, health, insurance, and many others. But the outsourcing company itself is responsible on it. PT Mitra Pratama Milenia is one of the outsourcing companies which acts in supplying and distributing securities in Indonesia. Because many outsourcing companies appear, PT. Mitra Pratama Milenia must have strategies to be able to compete with other competitors. Improving services quality to the customers, can be one of the strategies. And one of Human Resources Development functions is to recruit the most appropriate prospective employees with the job needed through recruitment process. Securities have a really important role so that they are asked to be more professional in securing the area they work for. Security competence can be seen from the recruitment process. And the training conducted to develop self-competence and the employee performances.
Based on the research conducted by Pambagio and friends, (2013), recruitment process influences positively and significantly to the employee performances. The employee performances will develop if the quality recruitment process is increased. The increase is positive, means that the quality increase in recruitment process is in a line with the increase of employee performances that will be given to the company. And in the other research conducted by Mentari (2013), said that the employee performances will increase if the quality of recruitment process is increased in the same time. The increase is positive, means that the quality increase in recruitment process is in a line with the increase of employees performances that will be given to the company.
Recruitment is a process to gain some employees from any sources, appropriate with the skill needed, so that they can run the organization mission to release the organization vision and purposes (Yuniarsih in Priansa and Suwatno, 2011). In the research conducted by Mentari (2013), said that the employee performances will increase if the quality of recruitment process is incread in the same time. Like on the recruitment process, the increase is positive, means that the quality increase in recruitment process is in a line with the increase of employee performances that will be given to the company. Then, in the research conducted by Pambagio and friends (2013), said that employees’ competences influence significantly to the employees performances. A company needs to think of the employees’ competences. In a line with the technology development and the great compaction, employees need to have a great competence.
Competition is a combination of skill, knowledge, creativity, and good manners in certain job applied in a performance. Competition is a worker’s character which can create a good performance compared by others. (Prawironegoro and Siswandoko, 2011). And the research conducted by Putri (2015) scientifically and empirically, training influences positively and significantly to the employees performances. Through the training given to the employees is hoped that it can develop employees’ competences and the training given is appropriate with the employees need by selecting appropriate instructors who really understand the material given to the employees. Training is an important part of organization, by training given to the employees, is hoped that it will give a great impacts to their performances and off course with a great employees performances will increase the company performance. According to Yani (2012) training is an activity to develop the capacity of human resources to be quality human resources in knowledge, working skill, and a high professionally level to be able to develop the ability to reach the company’s purposes well.
Performance or job capability is the job result in quality and quantity which are reached by the employee in

doing his/her duties based on the responsibility given (Mangkunegara, 2011). Performance is the job result in quality and quantity which are reached by the employee in doing his/her duties based on the responsibility given. PT. Mitra Pratama Milenia is one of the companies which supplies and distributes the security in Indonesia. PT Mitra Pratama Milenia must have the strategies to keep competing. The increase of quality services to the customers (client) can be one of the strategies. By maintaining the outsourcing employee competences which is the company’s assets. In the research, the writer conducts a research about what are the influences of recruitment, competence, and training to the outsourcing employees performances PT Mitra Pratama Milenia. The objects of the research are the Securities placed in some industries. PT Mitra Pratama Milenia is an outsourcing company located in South Tangerang.


According to Dubois in Priansa and Suatno (2011) recruitment is a process to take applicants’ qualifications as many as possible for available job vacancies and not anticipated. This is a got talent, getting the best applicants group for the available positions. According to Coulter and Robbins (2010) recruitment is to allocate, identify, and take competence applicants. According to Wahjono (2015) recruitment is company effort to look for and attract prospective employees to apply as employees. It can be concluded that recruitment is an effort to attract and fulfill a company employee needs. Meanwhile, according to Casio and Mundar in Yani (2012), recruitment is a process of recruiting employees to fulfill the need of employment in a unit, an organization, or a company.
Widodo (2015) said that recruitment is and activity to look for and attract the applicants with motivation, capability, skill, and knowledge needed to cover the weakness identified in employment plan. While according to Sutrisno (2016) recruitment is a process to look for, find, and attract the applicants to place an organization. Basically, the recruitment is a process to determine and attract the applicants who are able to work in a company. The process is begun when the applicants are searched and will lasts when their applications submitted. And the result is a group of applicants to selected and chosen.


Mcashan in Sutrisno (2016) stated that competence is a knowledge, skill, and capability mastered by a person as parts of himself. So he/she can do cognitive, affective, and psychometric attitudes well. If the competence is defined as a skill, so it can be said that is a knowledge to understand the purposes to work, knowledge to use good strategies, and understand how important discipline is in an organization in order the whole rules will run well. Wibowo (2016) said that a competence is a person’s capability to show a satisfying level in a work place, it is also a person’s capability to transfer and applies the skill and knowledge in a new situation and increase the benefits deal.
According to Armstrong and Baron in Wibowo (2016) competence is an attitude dimension which is behind the performance competence. It is called attitude competence because it is meant to describe how people behave when they do their own role well. According to Mc. Clelland in Sedarmayanti (2013) competence is a basic characteristic which a person should have and can influence himself, or can predicts a great performance. In the other hand, competence is what better than what the others do.


According to Zainal and friends (2014) a training is a process that is systematically changes employees manners to reach the purposes of an organization. Training is related with the skill and capability of employees to do their job todays. a training is being oriented now and helps the employees to reach special skill and capability in doing their job. According to Byars and Rue in Al-Fajar and Heru (2010) training is a learning process involves the skill, concept, rules, or manners in increasing employee performances.
According to Priansa and Suwatno (2011) a training is a systematic changes of knowledge, skill, attitude, and behaviors which always undergoes the development what the employees have and with them they can reach the target wanted by an organization in fulfilling the best human resources needed. While, Sikula in Sutrisno (2016) said that training is a short learning process uses systematic and organized procedures, where non- managerial employees study the technical knowledge and capability for certain purposes. While according to Werner and Desimone in Wahjono (2015) said that ”training involves a process of providing KSAs (knowledge, skills, ability, and others) specific to a particular task or job” or “training can support mastering knowledge, skill, and specific techniques in doing a certain job.“ according to Sulistiyanti and Rosidah (2009) stated that training is a systematic process and systematic process of employee attitude changes in increasing their organizational purposes.


According to Simanjuntak in Zainal and friends (2014) performance is an achievement of a certain task. Smith in

Priansa and Suwatno (2011) stated that “Performance is output derives from processes, human otherwise,” performance is a result of the process done by people. Nawawi in Widodo (2015) stated that performance is a whole result of what the people do in a certain job. According to Hasibuan (2012) stated that (working capability) is a result of the job reached by a person in running the duties given to him/her based on their capabilities, experiences, and spirit of time.
Bernardin and Russel in Sulistiyani and Rosidah (2009), definitely shows that performance is an outcome note taken from a certain employees function or activities which are done within certain period. Meanwhile, a performance of a holistic position which is same with the average (average) of performance employee function or the activity done. The performance here does not mean to score an individual but tends to the result gotten within certain period.


1.  Does the recruitment influence the performance of outsourcing security staffs?
2.  Does the training job training influence the performance of outsourcing security staffs?
3.  Does the competence influence the performance of outsourcing security staffs?
Based on the library research and the previous research, the researcher pattern the theoretical framework as follows:


To know the influence of recruitment, competence, and training to the performance of outsourcing security staffs


The research process begins with identifying the problems in the place to be used as the research location, formulation of identified problems, the collection of basic theories that strengthen the foundations in the variables, the preparation of methods in data collection, the preparation of instruments, to the determination of statistical testing techniques used. In this research, the authors used a quantitative descriptive analysis, data analysis methods used that is a research design of causal research for analyzing the relationships between one variable with other variables or how a variable affects other variables. The population in this research is at the office of PT Mitra Pratama Milenia, Period July – December 2017. Determination of the sample used in this study using a type of saturated sampling technique. The term saturated sample is a census, where all members of the population are sampled. The design of analyze utilized in this research using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis aims to see the effect between two independent variables with one dependent variable. The statistical approach for this is through multiple linear regression analysis that is useful for determining the magnitude of the influence between two or more variables at the same time looking at the level of influence. This method is also commonly used to predict or predict the value of a variable between more than one predictor variable (independent variable) to the dependent variable.


Based on the result of the research, it shows that the number of respondents who have worked for 0-3 years is 26.1%, 3-6 years is 55.7%, 6-10 years s 13.6%, and who have worked for more than 10 years is 4.5%. and also shows that the 21-25 years old employees is 29.5%, 26-30 years old is 35.2%, 31-35 years old is 20.5%, and the employees more than 36 years old is 3.4%. Based on the employees’ education background known that the respondents graduated from junior high school is 5.7%, and from senior high school is 94.3%. and based on the employees’ marital status, the unmarried employees is 61.4%, and married one is 38.4%.
Multiple analysis linear regression test

We get the similarity of multiple linear regressions for the independent variables (recruitment, competence, and training) to the dependents variable (employee performance) as follows:
Y = a + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + e
Y = 4,315 + 0,534X1 + 0,196X2 + 0,183X3+ e
Y             = Employees performance
a              = Constant
X1           = Recruitment
X2           = Competence
X3           = Training
e              = Residual error
Based on the table above, it is known that constant value in Colom B will be 4.315 if the value of recruitment, competence, and training is 0 so the value of employee performance is as big as constant value is
4.315. Recruitment value is 0.534, competence is 0.196, and training is 0.183. It can be seen in Colom B, all of them show positive coefficient regression, between competence with employee performance, and between training with employee performance. It can be stated that :
1.   If the recruitment increases up to 1%, the competence and training values will be constant, so the employee performance will increase 0.534.
2.   If the competence increases up to 1%, the recruitment and training values will be constant, so the employee performance will increase 0.196.
3.    If the training increases up to 1%, the recruitment and competence values will be constant, so that the employee performance will increase 0.183.
Based on the similarity above can be concluded that :
1.   Variable of recruitment (X1) has positive coefficient regression, means that recruitment influences positively to the employee performance. The better employee recruitment the more qualified employee will the company get. Their performance will also be better.
2.   Variable of competence (X2) has positive coefficient regression, means that competence influences positively to the employee performance. If the competence of the employee increases, the employee performance will be.
3.   Variable of training (X3) has positive coefficient regression, means that training influences positively to the employee performance. If the training given to the employee better, so the employee performance will increase in the same time.

Result of coefficient determination test (R2)
It is shown that the result of coefficient determination (adjusted R2) is 0.776, means 77.6% employee performance can be explained with variable of recruitment, competence, and training. Meanwhile, the rest is 22.4% can be explained with others variables which are not put as model in the research.
Result of simultaneous significant test (F test)

Based on the table above, we get :
1. F counted is 101,489 > F table (df1, 4-1 = 3, df2, 88-4 = 84, ɑ = 5%) is 2,71.
2. Value of significant 0,000 < 0.05.
So, simultaneously or together with recruitment, competence, and training influence positively and significantly to the employee performance.
Partial significant test (t test)
Partial or individual test is used to know whether the independent variables influence concretely or not to the dependent variables (Imam Ghozali, 2011)
Making decision can be conducted by looking at the probabilities :
1.  If the probability/significance >0.05, the model is rejected.
2.  If the probability/significance is < 0.05, the model is accepted.
Making decision can also be used by comparing t Table with t Counted with conditions of significant level
(a) is 5%. Errors level 5% or 0.05 or the accuracy level is 95% or 0.95. We can use the formula below : df = n – k
Where :
n : Number of observation/samples of regression maker. k : Number of variables (independent dependent)
Base of making decision:
If t Counted is ≤ t table, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. If t Counted ≥ t Table, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.
1.  Hypothesis Test of recruitment influences to the employee performance
We know that value t Counted of recruitment variable is 4,947 more than t Table 1,988 and the significant value of recruitment variable is 0.000 less than 0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so that it can be stated that in partial the recruitment influences positively and significantly to the employee performance.
2.  Hypothesis Test of competence influences to the employee performance
We know that value t Counted of recruitment variable is 2,040 more than t Table 1,988 and the significant value

of competence variable is 0.044 less than 0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so that it can be stated that in partial the competence influences positively and significantly to the employee performance.
2. Hypothesis Test of training influences to the employee performance
We know that value t Counted of training variable is 2,083 more than t Table 1,988 and the significant value of training variable is 0.040 less than 0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so that it can be stated that in partial the competence influences positively and significantly to the employee performance.


The influence of recruitment to the employee performance, The recruitment variable has value t Counted 4.947 more than t Table 1.988 and the significant value less than 0.05. So, it can be said that the recruitment influences positively and significantly to the outsourcing employee performance of PT Mitra Pratama Milenia. The result of the research is in a line with the previous research conducted by Nindrijo Sunu Pambagio, Hamidah Nayati Utami, and Gunawan Eko N (2013) which show that the recruitment influences positively and significantly to the employee performance.
The influence of competence to the employee performance, On this research, the competence variable has value t Counted 2,040 more than t Table 1.988 and the significant value less than 0.05. So, it can be said that the competence influences positively and significantly to the outsourcing employee performance of PT Mitra Pratama Milenia. The result of the research is in a line with the previous research conducted by Rindya Rakhma Mentari (2013) which show that the competence influences positively and significantly to the employee performance.
The influence of training to the employee performance, The training variable has value t Counted 2,083 more than t Table 1.988 and the significant value less than 0.05. So, it can be said that the training influences positively and significantly to the outsourcing employee performance of PT Mitra Pratama Milenia. The result of the research is in a line with the previous research conducted by Giska Anggia Putri (2015) which show that the Training influences positively and significantly to the employee performance.


Based on the result of the research, discussion of the research, and the conclusion explained, the writer wants to give some suggestions. They are :
1.   It is hoped that PT Mitra Pratama Milenia pays more attention in recruitment process to get better employees. One of the ways is make sure that the securities will be recruited are standardized qualified like having security certificate from police and are experienced in the field. By recruiting the standardized qualified employees, hoped that PT Mitra Pratama Milenia has quality security who has great performance so that there will be no complain from the client.
2.  It is hoped that PT Mitra Pratama Milenia pays more attention to the employee’s competence. One of the ways is by increasing the employee’s competence of PT Mitra Pratama Milenia so that can give working mentality training as security.
3.   It is hoped that PT Mitra Pratama Milenia pays more attention how the training which is aimed to increase the employee performance can run effectively and reach the target issued. One of the ways is by giving supporting facilities in training process in order it runs well.


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Resume Journal:

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows:

1.   Research It is hoped that PT Mitra Pratama Milenia pays more attention in recruitment process to get better employees. One of the ways is make sure that the securities will be recruited are standardized qualified like having security certificate from police and are experienced in the field.
2.  Research It is hoped that PT Mitra Pratama Milenia pays more attention to the employee’s competence. One of the ways is by increasing the employee’s competence of PT Mitra Pratama Milenia so that can give working mentality training as security


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